Saturday, May 4, 2024


CosmeccaChina passes Watsons Audit in China


CosmeccaKorea (CEO Im-rae Cho, Eun-hee Park) Chinese local subsidiary Cosmecca China passed the A.S Watson Group Supplier & Manufacturer Audit of Watsons, a large Chinese distribution company, on the 5th.


Watson's Audit focuses on the handling and management of materials, inventory, equipment, labor, etc. as a cosmetics manufacturing management standard to manufacture and supply excellent cosmetics with guaranteed quality.


Watsons Audit is known to be particularly strict in hygiene management. The company explained that in this audit, it applied a high level of compliance with the enacted and revised Chinese cosmetics laws.


Watsons China is a company that currently has over 4,000 stores in China and is building an extensive distribution network. In particular, as a health & beauty store brand, it is gaining high trust and recognition among Chinese consumers.


By passing this review, Cosmecca China expects to expand product supply to brands distributed by Watsons and PB (private brands) and achieve its export goal in the Southeast Asian market as well as the Chinese market.


Cha Young-kwon, CEO of Cosmecca China, said, “We have thoroughly prepared for the audit due diligence of Watsons, a leading health and beauty store in China, and with passing the audit, we will accelerate the expansion of Cosmecca China’s influence in the Chinese market.”